2019 State Convention Courtesy Corps Application Header Image

Courtesy Corps Application

The Florida FFA Association will be selecting members as Courtesy Corps members to fulfill a number of responsibilities at the Florida FFA State Convention. Courtesy Corps members will assist the convention staff with awards, CDE coordination, and arena logisitics. Serving as a Courtesy Corps member is a prestigious honor and rewarding experience.

Selected members will be notified and wil be required to attend a mandatory meeting at the beginning of convention.

Biographical Information

Please review for completeness and accuracy, your application may be verified.

Student Name*

This number will be used as a contact during state convention.
Advisor Name*
This number will be used as a contact during state convention.
Will you be available to work on Monday for CDEs?*

Leadership Experiences

Please list up to five (5) FFA Leadership activities.
Please list up to five (5) School or Community Leadership activities

Terms and Agreement

This application has been discussed with and approved by my Chapter FFA Advisor.  The information above has been read carefully and I certify that all information contained in this application and any attachments to it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

Confirmation Page

Please confirm the information below:

{$75804394 Student Name}

{$75804395 Chapter}

{$75804396 Email}

{$75804397 Student Mobile Phone}

{$75804398 Address}

{$75804399 Advisor Name}

{$75804400 Advisor Email}

{$75804401 Advisor Mobile Phone}

{$75804404 FFA Leadership Activities}

{$75804405 School and Community Leadership Activities}